Prayers answered

It was in November 2014 when I visited my parents to spend a few days with them. On the second night, we had gone to sleep but it was so late and my dad had not yet arrived home.

So, with fright and unable to control my worry, I accompanied mum to wait for him. After some time she sent me to bed. And so I went. Hours later she also went to bed. In the middle of the night I called my dad just to find out where he was. Luckily he had arrived home.

At 1 am, mum came to the children's bedroom quietly and woke me up whispering to me not to worry, but to pray because the thieves had entered the compound and are attacking our close neighbours. When I heard the screaming of the lady next door, I woke up and quietly walked in the dark looking for my parents who were at the window sill watching. I told them to stop looking out because the thieves could have easily turned to them.

Mum was so scared that she started crying that we were all going to die. I told her it would be good because we will go to heaven so we need to get ready. The rest of the siblings were deep in their sleep. So we were the three of us. Suddenly my dad had seen one of them near our door with a big panga (i.e. a machete). I pulled him away from the window and I got the big photo of St Josemaria from the wall and placed it on the table, in the middle of us, held both of my parents' hands and we started praying the prayer card of St Josemaria together.

We said it 40 times listening to the way the neighbors were fighting. Also we prayed that not one of the neighbors gets hurt. After some time there was no noise so I sent my parents to bed as they were so frightened. I then remained praying the last ten prayer cards. After that I had a lot of peace and went to bed until morning.

My parents were very grateful that I had accompanied and taught them that they should always have recourse to God at all times, when things are good and at times when the situations are not so good. Thank you St Josemaria for your help!

F.O. (Kenya)